About Application
In the Grievance Redressal Portal, complaints related to service matters and acceptance and payment of terminal benefits of all categories of regular employees and officials of the State Government are redressed . There is a Service Grievance Redressal Officer at each district and department level, who redresses complaints after hearing and passes decisions.Matters relating to appointment by Government servants, confirmation of service, pay and increment, promotion, A.C.P. MACP, seniority determination, acceptance of remaining leaves except casual leave, leave-pay, acceptance and payment of due allowances, medical reimbursement and terminal benefits, such as pension, gratuity, group insurance, Complaints can be lodged on matters relating to payment of cash in lieu of unutilized earned leave and payment of General Provident Fund. In case of death of serving and retired employees and government servants, complaints can be filed by their dependents. During the hearing of the complaint, the decision is passed by the Service Grievance Redressal Officer considering the evidence presented by the complainant and the report received from the responsible officer. The decision is also communicated to the complainant.